The West Side NRZ is having a busy fall with both September and October meetings focused on contributing our ideas and insights to the City of Stamford’s growth plans. At the September 24 meeting, Land Use Bureau Chief Norman Cole shared the City’s vision for the West Side neighborhood and encouraged participation in the October 16 meeting, at which residents of both the West Side and Waterside neighborhoods had opportunities to voice concerns as well as tell the Planning Board what’s most valued about our neighborhood.
- What we love: Our family-centric community … neighborliness … convenience of location … parks … what we’re hearing about Stamford Hospital’s expansion plans.
- What we’re concerned about: Safety issues, with particular emphasis on the need to make the West Side more pedestrian friendly (sidewalk maintenance, walkability and lighting in particular) … street filth … difficulties using public transportation … unsavory (adult) businesses.
- What we’re hoping will change: Improvement to the West Main Street “Gateway to Stamford” from Greenwich … safer streets, with speed bumps near parks where children play … beautification and better services for the neighborhood.
One of our neighborhood’s most active residents, Sheila (pictured above) has just been recognized by the Stamford Family YMCA as its 2013 volunteer of the year! Given her enthusiastic commitment to helping people get and stay healthy (she’s an aquatics instructor) we’re also especially grateful that Sheila manages to also find time to attend all West Side NRZ meetings as well as to volunteer regularly at Fairgate Farm. Yay Sheila!
What’s new at Fairgate Farm?
We’re now picking the frost sensitive vegetables! Other crops include eggplant, collard greens, watermelon, cantaloupe and, of course, pumpkins! (Look for next week’s Fairgate Farm e-letter featuring healthy, delicious recipes you can make when you’re done carving your Jack-o-lantern!)
Fruits (and vegetables) of the farm are regularly served to guests of Stamford’s Pacific Street soup kitchen and homeless shelters, as well as to residents of Scofield Manor – all of whom are benefitting from farm-to-table cuisine grown right here in Stamford.
Farm volunteers are invited to take home some of the day’s harvest – and if you’re interested, we’d love to have you join us. Call 667-7280 for information.

Confused about the new healthcare law?
Stamford Hospital will offer free educational sessions about the new healthcare law, including information on Connecticut’s own health insurance exchange, AccessHealth. All are invited to attend a free “Healthy Chat” to learn how you can get quality healthcare coverage and learn whether you qualify for financial help. Sponsored by Access Health CT (Connecticut’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace), Healthy Chat will take place in the auditorium of the Tully Health Center on Saturday, November 16. Come for registration & refreshments at 11 am; Healthy Chat Q&A session will run from 11:30 – 1 pm.
For Your Calendar …
October 24: Food Day – a nationwide celebration and movement for healthy, sustainable and affordable food. The most important ingredient is you! Use this opportunity to celebrate (or start) eating healthfully. Like our page on Facebook to get great tips, recipes and other suggestions on how to incorporate healthier meals into your life. Visit this website to learn more about Food Day and how you can participate.
October 29: Please join us at Pellicci’s where we will be celebrating the tragically cut-short life of Father Richard Futie, who passed away doing what he loved most (scuba diving) this summer. From 5-10 pm we encourage you (and anyone you know who’d like to come along) to stop by, enjoy some great pizza and beverages and share your own remembrances of this wonderful man, the very first president of our West Side NRZ. Please bring a $10 donation to help cover costs; leftover funds will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.
November 13: The City of Stamford Master Planning process continues with a city-wide (all neighborhoods invited) meeting at the Ferguson Library, starting at 7 pm. This is another opportunity to make sure your opinions are heard and understood and to represent our West Side neighborhood’s interests.
November 19: Next West Side NRZ meeting, with dinner served at 6 and business to begin at 6:30.