So much happening in our neighborhood this month …
mark your calendars!

Westside NRZ

Saturday, October 3, 9 am – 2 pm at the DOMUS Center, 83 Lockwood Avenue: HISPANIC HEALTH FAIR sponsored by the Hispanic Advisory Council of Greater Stamford. No-cost health screenings including blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, pulmonary, mobile mammography and more.

Monday, October 5, 9 am – 1 pm Flu Shots for the Uninsured: AmeriCares Free Clinic. No-cost flu shots for age 18 and up who have no health insurance. Location: NeighborsLink Stamford, 75 Selleck Street.

Tuesday, October 6: Registration Deadline for WBDC small business workshop, “Budget Coaching.” $50 for program and materials. Register by contacting Jill Russo-Foster (; 203-585-7224)

Thursday, October 15, 11:30 am: Colahan Plaza Dedication: “Tribute to Stamford’s Italian-American neighborhood.” Location: 211 Stillwater Avenue (the construction site across from the United Church of Prayer. Special guests include Stamford Mayor David Martin, Gabe DeLuca and Joe Coppola. A reception will follow the dedication.

Saturday, October 17, 12 – 2 pm: Harvest Festival at Fairgate Farm. Cooking demonstrations, tastings, games, pumpkin painting, music, fun! Help celebrate our bountiful 2015 growing season! Free, fun for the whole family and all are welcome. Location: Fairgate Farm, 129 Stillwater Avenue. (To volunteer, please email us at

Harvest Festival

Monday, October 26, 6:30 pm. Special WS NRZ Meeting for a presentation and discussion of the “West Side Transportation Plan” with special guests (City of Stamford Principle Planner David Woods & consultants from plan architects Fitzgerald & Halliday) explaining the recommendations, obtaining feedback from residents (that’s you!) and answering questions. Don’t miss it!

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