Mark your calendar; Autumn WS NRZ Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 6:30 pm
Our jam-packed agenda includes:
Another hot topic: Medical Marijuana Production Facilities and Dispensaries. The Zoning Board is currently considering applications for a number of Stamford retail operations to grow and dispense medical marijuana, with the West Side seen as a prime site. Please attend if you have opinions to share.
Learn about Vita’s new “Parents as Co-Educators” program launching in collaboration with Child Care Learning Centers and NeighborsLink this autumn.
Get an update (and food samples) on what’s new at Fairgate Farm and a preview of our upcoming Harvest Festival.
Hear a report on the fledgling West Side Merchant’s Association and share your ideas.
If you have other items you’d like to see on our agenda, please email with your questions and concerns.
As always, we’ll meet at the Fairgate Community Center, second floor community room. A light dinner will be served at 6 pm and our meeting begins promptly at 6:30.